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Bone Marrow Transplant India

Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) team associated with Surgery Tours India is globally recognized for expertise in comprehensive specialty treatments for adults & children with Leukemia & other blood, plasma & bone marrow diseases requiring this procedure. Surgery Tours India has assisted many international patients to undergo affordable bone marrow transplants in the past. Our healthcare experts will talk to you & discuss all treatment options which are available & deliver care which is customized to your specific requirements. Bone marrow or stem cell transplant comprise of lengthy & complicated procedures which typically involve the following stages.
  • Tests & Examinations
  • Harvesting Stem Cells
  • Conditioning Patients
  • Transplanting Stem Cells
  • Recovery Following Bone Marrow Transplant

Tests & Examinations for Bone Marrow Transplant Patients

The patient will need to undergo a series of tests & examinations prior to undergoing bone marrow transplant in order to ensure that they are healthy enough for the treatment to be carried out. Despite underlying conditions, bone marrow transplant treatments tend to be more successful in patients who are in good overall health. Tests & Examinations conducted on prospective bone marrow transplant patients generally include the following.

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG) - This is a simple test which is used for checking the rhythm & electrical activity of the patient's heart.
  • Echocardiogram - This is a scanning procedure which is used for looking at the patient's heart & blood vessels located nearby.
  • X-Ray and/or Computed Tomography (CT) Scan - This is meant to check the condition of organs like liver & lungs In BMT patients.
  • Blood Tests - These tests are meant to check & assess the level of blood cells & functioning of kidneys & liver in patients.
  • Biopsy - Cancer patients may however also need to undergo a biopsy & which involves retrieving a small sample of cancerous tissue & analyzing it under a microscope in a laboratory. This is also meant to reveal if the cancer is under control or whether there is any risk of cancer returning following treatment.
Bone Marrow Transplant India

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Bone Marrow Transplant in India or Stem Cell Transplant India | Surgery Tours India

Liver Transplantation  India

What is liver transplantation?

Liver transplantation is surgical procedure to remove a diseased or injured liver and replace it with a healthy one from another person, called a donor. The donor can be living in which case only a part of is taken. In case of deceased donor, the whole organ is transplanted.

What does the liver do?

The liver serves as an inspection organ. Every nutrient we consume passes through the liver. As every element in your blood stream is filtered here, it fight infections and cleans your blood. The bile produced in the liver helps break bilirubin which is a substance that comes from the breakup of hemoglobin in the dead red blood cells. The liver is the largest organ in your body. It is not possible to live a normal healthy life without a functional liver.

What are the signs and symptoms of liver problems?

The signs and symptoms of unhealthy liver and problems are:
  • yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes, a condition called jaundice
  • feeling tired or weak
  • losing your appetite
  • feeling sick to your stomach
  • losing weight
  • losing muscle
  • itching
  • bruising or bleeding easily
  • bleeding in the stomach
  • throwing up blood
  • passing black stools
  • having a swollen abdomen
  • becoming forgetful or confused

What are the reasons for needing a liver transplant?

Anyone with a non-functional liver needs a transplant. In adults, the most common reason for needing a liver transplant is cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is chronic damage to the liver caused by many different types of diseases that destroy healthy liver cells and replace them with scar tissue.

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Liver Transplantation India

Liver Transplantation in India | Symptoms,Causes and Treatments

Breast Cancer Surgery and Treatment in India

What is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is a malignant growth that begins in the tissues of the breast. It is one of the most common cancers among women around the world. The chances of a women being diagnosed with the disease sometime during her lifetime is 1 in 8. Therefore, it is important for women to be aware of breast cancer and about breast cancer care.

Studies involving hundreds of thousands of women with history of breast cancer revealed how likely a woman is to be diagnosed with state I breast cancer. Results varied depending upon ethnicity or race. Black women were the least likely to be diagnosed with this condition, while Japanese women were the most likely to be diagnosed with stage I breast cancer. Risk levels of women of Asian descent, Hispanic & non-Hispanic white women fell in the middle risk group. USA alone is estimating about 60,290 cases of breast carcinoma in 2015. Almost 83% of these are likely to be ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) & lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) to be around 12%. These new facts & figures are not meant to discourage, but to provide awareness amongst women to be cautious.

What Causes Breast Cancer?

Most experts agree that it is difficult to say what exactly causes breast cancer. Any woman having breast cancer will not be able to pinpoint & say an exact cause. However certain risk factors are more likely to develop breast cancer than others. What we know for sure is that breast cancers invariably cause damage to a cell's DNA. Some risk factors like consuming alcohol can be avoided while many others are simply a part & parcel of regular living. Though having a risk factor does not in any way mean a woman will have breast cancer, having a family history of breast cancer can be discouraging. Other common risk factors for a woman developing breast cancer include getting older which is 50+ after menopause, having breast lumps, dense breast tissue, estrogen exposure, obesity, taller than average, radiation exposure, HRT - hormone replacement therapy & women with cosmetic implants that may even undermine breast cancer survival.

Risk Factors of Breast Cancer

  • Family history: It increases the risk by two to three folds. Mutations in BRCA1, BRCA2 and p53 results in a very high risk of breast cancer
  • Reproductive factors: Late menopause and late age at first child birth at an old age are amongst the most common risk factors
  • Age: Breast cancer risk increases after a certain age (above 40)
  • Lifestyle related factors: Using oral contraceptives
  • Obesity and heavy drinking
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Breast Cancer Surgery and Treatment in India

Breast Cancer Surgery and Treatment in India | Symptoms, Causes

Hip Replacement Surgery India

What is Hip Replacement Surgery?

Also known as Arthroplasty, Hip Replacement is a surgical procedure wherein the diseased part of the hip joint is removed and replaced with the synthetic one. The artificial body part made up of metal is known as prosthesis and the purpose of the hip replacement surgery is to increase mobility, relieving pain and improving the function of your hip joint.

Causes of Hip Replacement

The most common reason that leads to hip replacement is Osteoarthritis, which causes damage to the hip joint. It is most often caused by wear and tear of aging. It makes the cartilage covering the hip joint useless, resulting in soreness and rigidity. Other conditions which lead to hip replacement surgery include rheumatoid arthritis, traumatic arthritis, avascular necrosis, osteonecrosis (loss of the blood supply to the thigh bone) and bone tumors.

Procedure of Hip Replacement Surgery

During a traditional hip replacement surgery, which usually lasts for 1 to 2 hours, the surgeon makes a 10 to 12 inch incision is made over the side of the hip through the muscles. The muscles are detached from the hip. Once the joint surface is exposed, the surgeon takes out the diseased bone and cartilage from the hip joint. A cut shaped implant is then attached to the bone of the hip socket. A smooth plastic surface is attached to the implant to allow free movement of the joint.

Thereafter the surgeon reinstates the head of the femur and acetabulum with new artificial parts. A metal stem is inserted into the femur to a depth of about 6 inches. The stem implant is attached to the bone tissue either through cement or without cement. Thereafter a metallic ball is placed on the top of the stem. The new hip is made up of metal that allow natural sliding movement of the joint.

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Hip Replacement Surgery India | Surgery Tours India

Spine & Spinal Cord Surgery Treatment India

Spine and Spinal Cord Surgery - An overview

The spine is one of the most important and vital parts of the human body. It is made of interlocked vertebras with cushioning discs in between that allow the vertebras to move the upper body around. Each back bone (spine) vertebras have a space in between the bone structure that is aligned in a normal spine. This space (nerve canal) houses the spinal cord that attaches the brain to the various parts of the body through an intricate system of big and small nerves.

Any sort of damage to the spine (vertebras) or the spinal cord (nerve roots) can result in affecting the strength and range of movement of the spinal column. This can be caused due to a disease, disorder or a severe trauma. A break (fracture), or even a crack, in the vertebras (spine) can affect the functioning of the back bone as well as cause pain.

In such a situation the doctor will usually recommend a suitable spine or spinal cord surgery that can help relieve the painful and disabling symptoms.

Before taking a look at the types of spine and spinal cord surgeries, let us take a look at the benefits and possible risks involved in such type of procedure.

Benefits of Spine and Spinal Cord surgery

Usually, a spine or spinal cord surgery is chosen when other non-surgical methods of treatment have failed to successfully treat the painful and disabling symptoms of a spine or spinal cord disease or disorder.

Being aware of the benefits, as well as the possible risks, of a spine or spinal cord surgery can be very helpful in making the right choice of treatment for the patient.

The main aim of a spine and spinal cord surgery is to gain relief from the intense and debilitating back pain which results in affecting your normal daily activities. A spine or spinal cord surgery can give relief from the back pain as well as:

  • Increasing your daily activity level
  • Improving your overall physical fitness
  • Improve your mood
  • Decrease your need for painkillers and thus avoid their resultant side-effects
  • Allows you to resume your work
  • Increase your productivity at work 

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Spine & Spinal Cord Surgery Treatment India

Spine & Spinal Cord Surgery | Surgery tours India

Kidney Transplantation is basically a surgical intervention which is performed to place a kidney either from a live or deceased donor into a patient whose kidneys do not any longer function properly. Kidneys are organs which remove excessive fluid & waste from blood. When kidneys lose ability to filter, dangerous levels of waste & fluid accumulate within the body. This condition is usually known as end-stage kidney disease or more commonly as kidney failure. Kidney transplantation is most often the best treatment solution for kidney failure. Since a person can comfortably live on a single kidney, only one donated kidney is required in order to replace two failed kidneys & which therefore conveniently makes living-donor kidney transplant a viable option. However, in case a compatible living donor is not available for kidney transplantation, the patient's name is usually placed on a kidney transplantation waiting list so as to receive a kidney from deceased donors. This wait usually takes a few years of time. Moreover, since organ transplantation is generally placed under regulation across the world, each country can be having a different set of laws governing them.

Why Undergo Kidney Transplantation

Kidney transplantation is normally used as treatment for end-stage kidney disease (kidney failure) which is a condition where the patient's kidneys can only function at a fraction of its normal capacity. Generally, people with kidney failure either need to have the wastes removed from blood stream through dialysis or undergo kidney transplantation in order to stay alive.

Causes of End-Stage Kidney Disease

Common causes of kidney failure or end-stage kidney disease include the following.
  • Chronic or uncontrolled high blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Polycystic Kidney Disease
  • Chronic Glomerulonephritis - Inflammation & eventual scarring of tiny filters within the patients kidneys (glomeruli)
Quite often it is possible to manage kidney disease with diet, medication & treatments for underlying causes. However, despite these steps if kidneys still cannot filter adequate blood, such patients may be good candidates for kidney transplantation.

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Risks & Complications Associated with Kidney Transplantation

Kidney transplantation surgery carries certain amount of significant complications including the following.

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Blood Clots
  • Leakage or blockage of ureter tube which links the kidney to the bladder
  • Rejection of donated kidney
  • Failure of donated kidney
  • Infection or cancer which is transmitted through donated kidney
  • Heart Attack, Stroke of Death

Kidney Transplant Surgery India | Symptoms, Causes

Prostate Cancer

What is Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer is the cancer of the prostate gland, a gland in the male reproductive system. The prostate secretes a slightly alkaline milky fluid that constitutes 50–75% in volume of the semen. helps neutralize acidity of the vaginal tract, prolonging sperm lifespan. Most prostate cancers grow slow but there are cases of aggressive prostate cancers too. The cancer cells may spread (metastasize) from the prostate to other parts of the body, typically the bones and lymph nodes. This type of cancer may have no symptoms initially, but can cause pain, difficulty in passing urinating, problems in sexual intercourse, erectile dysfunction, and death in later stages.

Causes/ Risk Factors of Prostate Cancer: 

The exact cause of prostate cancer is unknown; however there are few factors that can increase the risk.
  • Age: The risk of cancer increases as you grow old (above 80).
  • Family history: If a member in your family is diagnosed with prostate cancer you are 2-3 times more likely to get the cancer.
  • Ethnicity: Prostate cancer is more common in black African men than in white or Asian men.
  • Height and weight: Taller men have higher risk than shorter men. Also overweight can increase the risk.
  • Environmental factors, such as cigarette smoking and diet that are high in saturated fat, seem to increase the risk of prostate cancer. Additional substances or toxins in the environment or from industrial sources might also promote the development of prostate cancer, but these have not yet been clearly identified.

Signs And Symptoms 

A high time to look for one of the best cancer hospital of India when these signs and symptoms occur:
  • Trouble urinating (pain when passing urine)
  • Frequent urination
  • A sense of not completely emptying the bladder
  • Blood in the urine and semen
  • Bone pain
  • All of these symptoms can be caused by a variety of things besides prostate cancer, so experiencing any doesn't necessarily mean you have prostate cancer. However, if the symptoms occur frequently then a doctor of a cancer hospital should be consulted.

Prostate Cancer Treatment

What are the Stages of Prostate Cancer? 

  • Stage I - here the cancer is found in the prostate only.
  • Stage II - the cancer is more advanced than in stage I, but has not spread outside the prostate. It is divided into IIA and IIB.
  • Stage III - the cancer has spread beyond the outer layer of the prostate and may have spread to the seminal vesicles.
  • Stage IV - the PSA can be any level, the cancer has spread beyond the seminal vesicles to nearby tissue or organs.

How Prostate Cancer is Diagnosed? 

Prostate cancer is diagnosed at leading cancer hospitals in India through these methods. These can also help to decide the right prostate cancer cure :
  • Digital rectal exam (DRE): It helps detect lumps, asymmetries and the size of the prostate. Although not a perfect test, it becomes useful when combined with the PSA test

  • Prostate specific antigen (PSA): It is a blood test that looks for a protein that the prostate generates. Normal prostate tissue makes a little bit of PSA, but prostate cancer usually makes much more. If your PSA is elevated, your doctor can screen you for prostate cancer. The PSA test isn't perfect either, because some tumors won't elevate the PSA and some other processes (like benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis) can cause it to be falsely elevated. However, the higher your PSA is, the more likely the elevation is caused by a prostate cancer. The cut-off that your doctor usually uses is 4.0ng/ml, (below 4.0ng/ml is normal and anything above it is abnormal). If your PSA is elevated, or you have an abnormal digital rectal exam, then you need to get further evaluation. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that you have prostate cancer. The only way to know for sure whether or not you have cancer is to get a sample of your prostate from a biopsy.

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How Recommended Treatment for Prostate Cancer Patients

Prostate cancer in India can be treated by Immunotherapy at Surgery Tours India which is one of the apex cancer hospitals of India for advanced prostate cancer treatment. The therapy enhances the body’s immune system to fight against the disease and is a surgery-free cure for prostate cancer. It is a treatment where response is seen in the PSA levels and improvement can be noticed in generally all men with prostate cancers. In treatment for prostate cancer in India, patients who opt for chemotherapy along with Cancer Surgery Therapy see a remarkable response and survive with a better quality of life. There are different lines of treatment for different types of cancer which is decided by the team of doctors at Surgery Tours India which specializes in the treatment for early and advanced prostate cancer. Your decision making process is most likely to include a combination of clinical and psychological factors such as the level of risk, personal circumstances, desire for a certain therapy based on risks and benefits.
Depending on each case, conventional prostate cancer treatment in India and around includes –
1. Surgery
2. Radiation Therapy
3. Chemotherapy
4. Vaccine Treatment
5. Hormone Therapy
6. Bone directed treatment
These prostate cancer treatments are generally used one at a time, however in some cases it may be combined to find the best treatment for prostate cancer for you. 

Why choose Surgery Tours India? 

Hospitals providing Prostate cancer Treatment India have primary aim to facilitate the highest standard of quality medical treatment & patient care to international patients. India has originated as one of the most important hubs for medical tourism. Many people from the developed countries come to India for the rejuvenation and top-class medical expertise which is helping more and more Indian corporate hospitals  to lure foreign patients, including patients from developed nations such as UK and the US,for high-end surgeries. As more and more patients from Europe,the USA, and other affluent nations with high medical look for effective options, healthcare tourism in India is definitely on the cards for most them and fast-growing Indian corporate health sector is fully geared  to meet that need. to get more info on Prostate cancer Treatment India.

For more information please contact us at
Phone: +91-888 292 1234 / +91-9730 001 540

Prostate Cancer Symptoms, Causes and Treatment in India

Lymphoma Cancer Treatment

What is Lymphoma?

Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system, the body's disease-fighting network. The lymph system is made up of many cells and organs, including the lymph nodes, thymus gland, spleen, and liver. This system produces B-Cells and T-Cells lymphocytes, which make up your body’s immune system. These are spread throughout your body, much like your blood vessels. In lymphoma, lymphocytes start to multiply in an abnormal way and begin to collect in certain parts of the lymphatic system, such as the lymph nodes. Since these cells travel between the lymphatic and circulatory system while fighting infections and viruses, lymphomas are blood-related cancers. The affected lymphocytes lose their infection-fighting properties, making you more vulnerable to infection.

Although there are dozens of sub types of lymphoma cancer it is mainly divided into:

Hodgkin Lymphoma - This is a rare type of lymphoma cancer and is not seen affecting significant number of people. This type of lymphoma cancer affects a separate type of lymphocyte.
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma - This is the more commonly seen form of lymphoma cancer and affects a  particular type of lymphocyte cell. The rate of development of this type of lymphoma cancer is different and the type of treatment required also varies accordingly. 

Causes of Lymphoma Cancer

Although scientists do not yet know the exact cause of this cancer there are certain risk factors that have been identified which are suspected to increase the chances of development of lymphoma cancer in a person, such as If:
  • You are over 60 years of age
  • You are male
  • You suffer from a weak immune system due to AIDS/HIV or a congenital (birth) immune disease
  • You have had an organ transplant
  • You suffer from immune system diseases such as lupus, celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, etc
  • You have previous cases of lymphoma in your close family
  • You were exposed to harmful chemicals such as pesticides containing benzene
  • You have had a previous treatment for Hodgkin/non-Hodgkin lymphoma
  • You underwent radiation therapy for cancer treatment
  • Are obese
These factors in general are known to raise the chances of development of the lymphoma cancer in a person.

Lymphoma Cancer Treatment

Lymphoma Cancer Treatment in India | Symptoms,Treatments, and Causes

Liver Cancer Surgery India

What is Liver Cancer?

Liver cancer, which is also called hepatic cancer starts in the liver, and not from altogether another organ which migrates to the liver. Like all cancers, liver cancer can also be attributed to the uncharacteristic rise in cell reproduction.

Types of Liver Cancer:

There are several types of liver cancer based on the type of cells which become cancerous
  • Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common type of primary liver cancer which occurs in people with chronic liver diseases such as cirrhosis caused by hepatitis B or C infection.
  • Fibrolamellar HCC is a rare type of HCC which is typically more responsive treatment than other types of liver cancer.
  • Angiosarcoma also called as hemangiocarcinoma accounts for one percent of all the liver cancers. It begins in the blood vessels of the liver and grows quickly. Typically they are diagnosed at an advanced stage.
  • Cholangiocarcinoma or bile duct cancer which occurs in the small, tube-like bile ducts within the liver carrying bile to the gallbladder. This accounts for 10-20 percent of all the liver cancers. The intrahepatic bile duct cancer start in the ducts within the liver while extrahepatic bile duct cancer develops in the ducts outside the liver.
  • Secondary liver cancer also known as liver metastasis develops when the primary cancer from another part of the body spreads to the liver. Most liver metastasis originates from colorectal cancer.

Risk factors of Liver Cancer:

Few of the most common risk factors listed by cancer hospitals are::

  • Infections: Long term infection with hepatitis B or hepatitis C virus is linked with liver cancer
  • Cirrhosis: Scarring of the liver causes problem in the normal functioning of the liver in turn increasing the risk of liver cancer. Cirrhosis is caused either by heavy drinking or infection with a virus like hepatitis B or C
  • Alcohol: More than 5 units of alcohol per day can result in cirrhosis and increase the cancer risk
  • Non- alcoholic fatty liver’s disease: Excessive fat deposition in the liver due to obesity or diabetes causes damage to normal cells (hepatocytes) of the liver resulting in cirrhosis. Patient suffering from fatty liver have 5 times more chances of developing liver cancer compared to others
  • Family history: According to research immediate family members suffering from liver cancer have double the risk to developing liver cancer than others
  • Aflatoxin: Consumption of contaminated food results in the exposure to fungi called aflatoxin. In 1988, the IARC placed aflatoxin B1 on the list of human carcinogens. This is supported by a number of epidemiological studies that have demonstrated a positive association between dietary aflatoxins and Liver Cell Cancer (LCC)
  • Betel quid: According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer and the World Health Organization chewing betel quids and areca nut increases the risk of liver cancer
  • Chemicals: Long term exposure to chemicals like Vinyl Chloride which is used to make plastics, packaging and pipes can result in liver damage and increase the probability of liver cancer

Signs and Symptoms of Liver Cancer:

Few of the most common symptoms include:
  • Unexplained weight loss, loss of appetite, fatigue, nausea, feeling of fullness, fever, indigestion and weakness
  • Swelling and pain on the right side of the upper abdomen
  • Jaundice

How Liver Cancer is Diagnosed?

People suffering from cirrhosis and Hepatitis are recommended to go for regular Ultrasound of the abdomen, Alpha Fetoprotien test (blood test) and Liver function test. Other tests include:
  • Scans such as ultrasound scan, computerized tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. These scans help to find out about the location and spread of the disease
  • Liver biopsy: This is usually done to confirm the type of cancer. A small sample of the tissue is removed from the abnormal area and evaluated under the microscope
How can you prevent the disease?

      • Reduce the risk of cirrhosis by drinking alcohol in moderation (woman- not more than one drink per day and man- not more than two drinks per day)
      • Avoid eating raw fish
      • Get vaccinated for hepatitis B virus
      • Take proper measures to prevent hepatitis C virus by performing safe sex, using a clean needle, etc.

    Radiation Therapy

    It uses high-energy rays that are directed to the cancer to kill the cancer cells. The normal liver cells are quite sensitive to radiation. The complications include skin irritation near the treatment site, nausea, vomiting and fatigue.


    It uses a medicine which kills the cancer cells. The medicine can be given by mouth or by injecting it into the vein or artery feeding the liver. You can have a variety of side effects from chemotherapy, depending on the medications used and the patient’s individual response. The complications include easy bruising, nausea, fatigue, hair loss, vomiting, diarrhea, mouth sores and swollen legs. Usually these side effects are temporary.

    Follow-Up Care

    Even after you have completed the liver cancer treatment, your doctors will want to watch you closely. It is significant to go for all follow-up appointments. During these visits, your doctors will ask if you have any problems, do the physical exams, blood tests and imaging tests.
    If you have been treated with a surgical resection or a liver transplant and have no signs of cancer remaining, then most doctors will recommend a follow-up with imaging tests and blood tests every three to six months for the first two years, then every six to 12 months. Follow-up is needed to check for cancer spread or recurrence as well as the possible side effects of certain treatments. Almost with any cancer treatment, there are some side effects. Some of them only last a few weeks or months while others can last a long time. Do not hesitate to tell your cancer care team about any of the symptoms or side effects bothering you so that they can help you to manage them effectively. It is also vital to keep health insurance since the health care costs a lot and although no one wants to think of their cancer coming back, but this could happen.
      Liver Cancer Treatment and Surgery in India:

      Indian hospitals offer the latest advances in Liver cancer surgery. The oncologists work together with clinicians from a variety of specialties to develop a personalized, aggressive treatment plan tailored to one’s needs, including therapies that help you preserve your quality of life.

      The hospitals in India use advanced, minimally invasive techniques to detect cancer anywhere in the body. Then a customized treatment plan is developed, and the same diagnostic tools are used to monitor your progress during the liver cancer surgery and treatment. Many hospitals in India have multidisciplinary teams to treat liver cancer.

      Hospitals in India also offer a wide range of complementary therapies to help relieve pain and the side effects of chemotherapy, including yoga, accupuncture, massage therapy, etc. The benefits of these treatments may extend beyond pain relief, helping the patient feel calmer.

      For more information please contact us at

      Phone: +91-888 292 1234 / +91-9730 001 540

      Liver Cancer Surgery India | Symptoms,Treatments, and Risks