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Eye Surgery in India

How Eye surgery works?

Eye surgery is one of the most intricate and delicate surgical procedures. It might be performed to treat an eye disease and to correct or improve vision in the affected eye. These types of surgeries require the expertise of an experienced eye surgeon or an ophthalmologist as the eye is one of the most delicate and sensitive vital organ of the body.

Eye surgeries employ various techniques and approaches depending on the disorder or the location of the deformity in the eye region.

Eye surgery may be performed using conventional open-type surgery or a minimally invasive surgery technique as well. Nowadays the use of laser technology in eye surgery is gaining quite a popular demand.

Eye surgery procedures

There are a number of different eye surgical procedures and the methods of performing these surgeries are also varied.

These are a few commonly performed eye surgeries along with their procedure techniques:

Laser eye surgical techniques use a fine beam of high-frequency laser light to perform delicate surgeries in the eye. Lasers can be used to treat refractive and non-refractive eye conditions. Corneal laser surgery uses a beam of laser to re-contour the surface of the eye. This procedure is used to treat short-sightedness (myopia), far-sightedness (hypermetropia) as well as distortion in the eye's curvature (astigmatism).

This is the preferred option for surgery technique in case the patient wishes to avoid using eyeglasses to improve the vision in the eyes.

A cataract causes the crystalline eye lens to get cloudy or opaque. Cataract is often caused by aging, trauma or an eye disease and prevents the light from outside in making a clear image at the back of the eyeball on the retina. In case the condition gets severe as to result in loss of vision in the affected eye it might be required to surgically remove the optical lens and replace it with an artificial intra-ocular lens (IOL).

Due to the high number of cataract cases this type of surgery is one of the most common eye surgeries in the world.

Glaucoma consists of a number of diseases that affect the optic nerve in the eye, resulting in loss of vision caused due to a raised intra-ocular pressure (IOP). There are a number of different glaucoma surgeries that are either performed singularly, or in combination with others to allow the excessive aqueous humor (eye fluid) to drain from the accumulated area and lower the pressure on the optic nerve.

Eye Surgery in India

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Eye Surgery in india, Eye Surgery Hospitals India

Kidney Cancer Treatment  India


Kidney cancer is a cancer which starts in the kidneys. The cancer starts when the cells in the body begin to grow out of control. The cells in nearly any part of the body can become cancer and spread to other areas of the body. Get in touch with us to get low cost kidney cancer treatment in India from the best surgeon for kidney cancer in India.

About Kidneys

The kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs, each about the size of a fist. They are attached to the upper back wall of the abdomen. One kidney is just to the left and the other to the right of the backbone. The lower rib cage protects the kidneys. Small glands called adrenal glands sit above each of the kidneys and they are surrounded by a fat and thin, fibrous layer known as Gerota's fascia.

The kidney's main function is to filter the blood coming in from the renal arteries to remove excess salt, water and waste products. The kidney's main job is to filter the blood coming in from the renal arteries for removing the excess salt, water and waste products which become urine. It leaves the kidneys through the long slender tubes called ureters that are connected to the bladder. The place where the ureter meets the kidney is called as the renal pelvis. The urine is then stored in the bladder until you urinate or pee.

The kidneys also have other jobs such as help control the blood pressure by making a hormone called rennin and also help ensure the body has enough red blood cells by making a hormone called erythropoietin. This hormone tells the bone marrow to make more red blood cells. Our kidneys are vital, but we actually need less than one complete kidney to function. Some people do not have any working kidneys at all and survive with dialysis, a medical procedure that uses a specially designed machine which filters the blood much like a real kidney would.

Types of Kidney Cancer

The type of kidney cancer tells you what type of cell it started in and knowing this will help your doctor to decide which treatment you need. Send us your query to get the Cheapest Renal Cancer Treatment in India on our website.

Renal Cell Cancer

Also called renal cell adenocarcinoma and occasionally hypernephroma, this is the most common type of kidney cancer in adults. Over 8 in every 10 kidney cancers diagnosed in the UK are of this type. The cancerous cells start in the lining of the tubules which is the smallest tubes inside the nephrons that help filter the blood and make urine.
Since the kidneys are made up of different types of cells, the type of cancer you have depend on the type of cell where the cancer starts. The three main types of renal cell cancer are:

  • Clear cell- around 75 out of 100 renal cell cancers
  • Papillary- around 10 in 100 renal cell cancers
  • Chromophobe- around 5 in 100 renal cell cancers

Kidney Cancer Treatment India

Tage. Kidney Cancer Treatment in India, Low-Cost Kidney Cancer Treatment in India, Cheapest Renal Cancer Treatment in India, Kidney Cancer Surgery Cost in India,

Best Hospitals for Kidney Cancer Treatment in India

Gallbladder Cancer Treatment India

What is Gallbladder Cancer?

Gallbladder cancer is a rare type of cancer that leads to the formation of malignant cells in the gallbladder. It is a pear shaped human organ positioned right to the abdomen under the liver. The main function is to store bile that is secreted by the liver to aid digestion. When the cancer cells stats multiplying in the tissues it directly impacts the digestive system and leads to malfunctioning of the organ.

The Type of Cancer Stages:

  • Stage 1: In the first stage the cancer cells are restricted to the wall of the gallbladder.
  • Stage 2: In the second stage the cancer cells starts to multiply further in the tissues without any impact on the adjacent organs or the nearby lymph nodes.
  • Stage 3: In the third stage the malignant cells are detected in the nearby organs and even in the lymph nodes near the gallbladder.
  • Stage 4: In the fourth stage of this cancer, the malignant cells are found in distant organs and lymph nodes. This is known to be the secondary cancer and the most fatal stage.
Gallbladder Cancer Treatment  India

Gallbladder Cancer Treatment in India

Bone Marrow Transplant

Top Hospitals For Bone Marrow Transplant In India

When you choose Surgery Tours India, you choose the best hospital in India for Bone Marrow Transplant In India. We partner with the chosen best hospital in India for your medical condition to give you the best outcome. This is based on our internal criterion of evaluation. We inspect the hospitals on various parameters like technology, the standard of equipment, safety protocols, etc. that are critical in ensuring quality services to our patients.

With Surgery Tours India, you are also guaranteed of world-class care at most affordable prices. We have specially negotiated rates with these hospitals in India and have dedicated staff to offer you personalized care. We thus guarantee you complete peace of mind when you choose medical treatment in India.

We ensure that the hospitals and clinics we partner with:

  • Are accredited based on best Indian and International standards like NABH, JCI, NABL.
  • Are certified in line with industry standards and have fully equipped facilities.
  • Have emergency care facilities to deal with any sort of emergencies.
  • Have 24 hour nursing care.
  • Have fully equipped operating rooms with all the necessary facilities, including qualified staff and equipment.
  • Admit our patients for minimum of 24 hours post-operation, or more; depending on the requirement of the performed procedure.

Bone Marrow Transplant

Top Hospitals For Bone Marrow Transplant In India - Surgery Tours India

Robotic Cardiac Surgery In India

What is robotic cardiac surgery?

Robotic-assisted surgery is a leading-edge procedure. It is minimally invasive precision of the technology. Robotic-assisted surgery is an ideal option for delicate and complex cardiac surgeries.
Robotic cardiac surgery is also called as closed-chest heart surgery. This surgery is a minimally invasive heart surgery performed by a cardiac surgeon. The cardiac surgeon uses a specially-designed computer console to control surgical instruments on thin robotic arms. With the use of tiny instruments and robotic devices, the surgeons are able to perform several types of complex surgeries in a much invasive way as compared to another type of cardiac surgeries.
Robotically-assisted surgeries have changed certain traditional ways by which heart surgeries used to be performed. This technology allows the cardiac surgeons to perform complex cardiac surgeries with much smaller incisions, provides more precise motion control to the surgeon and offers the patients with improved outcomes. Robotic surgeries have been used for a number of different cardiac surgeries such as heart valve surgery, cardiac tissue ablation, coronary artery bypass or heart defect repair.

Robotic cardiac surgery advantages

Robotic cardiac surgery has many advantages as compared to other cardiac surgeries. This surgery enables the surgeon to perform the entire procedure in a much precise way. Following are some of the advantages of robotic cardiac surgery:-

  • Smaller incisions.
  • Less risk of infection.
  • Minimal scarring.
  • Less bleeding.
  • Fewer traumas.
  • Less pain.
  • Faster recovery.
  • Shorter stay at the hospital.
Robotic Cardiac Surgery In India

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Kidney Cancer Treatment in India
Kidney cancer is a cancer which starts in the kidneys. The cancer starts when the cells in the body begin to grow out of control. The cells in nearly any part of the body can become cancer and spread to other areas of the body.

Corneal Transplant Surgery In India
A corneal transplant (or corneal grafting) surgery is performed to replace the damaged or diseased cornea of the eye with a donated corneal graft tissue. The corneal transplant may be needed to

Pancreas Transplant Surgery in India
A pancreas transplant is a surgical procedure that is used to replace, mostly, a type 1 diabetic person's pancreas with healthy pancreas harvested from a donor.

Bone Marrow Transplant In India
Transfers healthy bone marrow cells when your own unhealthy bone marrow has been eliminated following chemotherapy or radiation.The termsbone marrow transplant, stem cell transplant, and cord blood transplant

Medical Tourism India

Robotic Cardiac Surgery In India

Leukaemia Treatment In India

Leukemia begins in the immature cells of the bone marrow in the central cavities of bones. The bone marrow produces all types of blood cells: red blood cells that carry oxygen and other materials to the tissues of the body, white blood cells that fight infection, and platelets that help the blood clot. Hundreds of billions of new blood cells are produced in the bone marrow each day, providing the body with a constant supply of fresh, healthy cells. In a patient with leukemia, many of the white blood cells produced in the bone marrow do not mature normally. These abnormal cells, called leukemic cells, are unable to fight infection the way healthy white cells can. As they accumulate, the leukemic cells also interfere with the production of other blood cells. Eventually, the body has too few red cells for supplying oxygen to the body's tissues, too few platelets for proper clotting and too few healthy white cells for fighting infection. As a result, people with leukemia are at risk for bruising, bleeding and infections.

What are the types of Leukaemia?

The main types of leukemia are myelogenous and lymphocytic, and each type has an acute (rapidly progressing) and a chronic (slowly progressing) form. Acute leukemia mainly affects cells that are immature, or not fully developed, preventing them from maturing and functioning normally. Chronic leukemia develops more slowly, so that the body still has some healthy cells available to fight infection.

  • Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) - Acute myeloid leukemia is the most common type of leukemia in adults, although it also can occur in children. If untreated, this form of leukemia usually progresses quickly.
  • Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) - Chronic myeloid leukemia originates from the presence of a genetic abnormality in blood cells, called the Philadelphia chromosome, and progresses through distinct phases. CML occurs mainly in adults, but a very small number of children also develop this disease.
  • Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) - Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is the most common type of leukemia in young children in developed countries, but it also affects adults, especially those ages 65 and older. ALL starts in the inner part of the bones, known as bone marrow, but often moves quickly into the blood.
  • Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) - Chronic lymphocytic leukemia usually gets worse slowly. CLL is the second most common form of leukemia in adults and rarely occurs in children. More than half of people diagnosed with CLL are older than 70, and cases rarely occur in individuals younger than 40.
Leukaemia Treatment In India

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Urethral Cancer Treatment

Urethral Cancer

Urethral cancer is a type of cancer that causes the tissue cells of the urethra to become malignant (cancerous) and grows abnormally, often forming a hard mass (tumor). The urethra is a passageway for the transfer of urine from the bladder to the vaginal opening.

Urethral cancer is found more commonly in men than in women and is a common form of cancer worldwide.

A cancerous growth (tumor) in the urethra may cause the inner diameter of the urethra to get narrowed, or even completely blocked, which results in blockage of the urine or difficulty while passing urine and other related complications. Prompt treatment is advised to treat urethral cancer successfully.

What are the signs and symptoms of Urethral Cancer?

These are the commonly seen signs and symptoms of urethral cancer:

  • Blood in the urine
  • Urethral bleeding
  • Weak/interrupted flow of urine
  • Frequent urination
  • Lump in the penis
  • Abnormal urethral discharge
  • Enlarged lymph nodes in groin region
Urethral Cancer Treatment

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Medical Tourism India

Urethral Cancer Treatment Guide - How It Works? Cost, Risks